




Study Overview


The ERT-V Study

The Strong Minds and Enhanced Vision program at the University of Michigan brings together experts in vision and mental health to help people with low vision handle the challenges of vision loss and find new ways to live meaningful lives. An important part of our program is teaching emotion regulation skills to manage the emotional distress of vision loss. This Emotion Regulation Therapy (ERT) app includes these helpful skills and practices. We suggest you install this app on your phone or computer to use it with your ERT therapist and the Low Vision Rehabilitation (LVR) team.

Phase I



1. The ERT Model

2 Articles

1 Exercise

In this session, we explain the causes of emotional distress that Emotion Regulation Therapy addresses. We connect this model to your own experiences with emotional distress. We also explain what it is like to go through a structured treatment plan and how you can make use the skills you will learn in the next ten sessions.

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2. Motivations

2 Articles

1 Exercise

In this session, we explain the Emotion Regulation Therapy motivational model and how emotions and motivations influence our experiences and actions in daily life. We will also discuss how these emotions and motivations guide us in making decisions that help us achieve our goals and succeed in life.  We refer to this awareness of emotions and motivations as Clarity for Action.

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3. Orienting

1 Article

1 Exercise

In this session, we introduce you to the first emotion regulation skill called Orienting, which represents a way to focus and broaden your attention as needed to help you gain Clarity for Action. You can strengthen your ability to use Orienting by setting aside a few minutes each day to practice, so that it’s available at the ready to help you in difficult moments. Daily practice of emotion regulation skills like Orienting are akin to strengthening a muscle, and that will support you when distressing moments arise in your life.

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4. Allowing

1 Article

1 Exercise

In this session, you will learn the second emotion regulation skill, called Allowing, which involves keeping your attention on every part of your experience, even when some aspects are challenging and upsetting. By adding Allowing to your daily practice, it will be readily available to help you confront distressing moments when they arise in your life.  Daily practice can strengthen the ability to use Allowing and make it feel easier and more effective.

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5. Distancing

1 Article

1 Exercise

In this session, you will learn the third emotion regulation skill, called Distancing, which involves gaining perspective in time and space. The Distancing practice that is taught in this session will help support your efforts to gain Clarity for Action especially when distressing moments arise in your daily life.

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6. Reframing

2 Articles

1 Exercise

In this session, you will learn the fourth and final emotion regulation skill, called Reframing, which builds on previous skills and involves reconsidering our initial thoughts and conclusions that are often negative and disruptive, especially during emotional distress. By practicing it daily, Reframing will be available in distressing moments to gain Clarity for Action.

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Phase II



7. Proaction & Identifying Values

1 Article

1 Exercise

Session 7 is the beginning of Phase II of ERT.  Now that you have learned some important attentional and metacognitive regulation skills and are better able to find clarity for action with emotional and motivational awareness, we introduce some new ideas to you such as proaction and values which will help you imagine and then plan actions to pursue goals congruent with what is personally meaningful to you with a balance of safety and reward.  Session 7 will focus on this concept of values or who we aspire to be in the important roles we take on in our lives such as spouse, parent, our professional identity, and also how we invest in our own self-care.

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8. Proaction Continued

1 Article

1 Exercise

Sessions 8 is where you can begin to intentionally plan and commit to behavioral goals that reflect how we want to live our lives (values) but also taking safety and reward motivations into consideration.  During your session, your ERT interventionist will work with you to identify a personally relevant goal and examine it in your mind to identify how best to proceed taking safety, reward and personal aspirations into account.  This exercise will ideally help you prepare to take planned and spontaneous proactions in the coming week.

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9. Identifying & Resolving Conflict

3 Articles

1 Exercise

Session 9 picks up where things left off in the prior meeting.  You will review proactions that came up in the past week.  New planned proactions will be explored in this session as well.  Finally, since we are nearing the end of ERT, we will have a discussion for preparing to conclude ERT and helping you continue to put ERT skills to use in your life, what we call knowing ERT by heart.

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10. Concluding Therapy

1 Article

1 Exercise

We come to the final session of ERT in Session 10.  The session begins with a brief review of between session mindful regulation practice and counteractive and proactive work. For the remainder of the session, we will review and celebrate your progress over the past 10 sessions.  We encourage you to keep practicing and deepening your ERT skills and you will have a version of this app to support your knowing ERT by heart.

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1. The ERT Model

2 Articles

1 Exercise

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2. Motivations

3 Articles

1 Exercise

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3. Orienting

1 Article

2 Exercises

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4. Allowing

1 Article

2 Exercises

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5. Distancing

1 Article

2 Exercises

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6. Reframing

2 Articles

2 Exercises

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Phase II



7. Proaction & Identifying Values

2 Articles

4 Exercises

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8. Proaction Continued

1 Article

3 Exercises

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9. Identifying & Resolving Conflict

1 Article

3 Exercises

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10. Anticipating the Transition

2 Articles

3 Exercises

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11. Termination

1 Article

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The James and Anne Duderstadt Center
© 2024 Douglas Mennin & David Fresco